
A bit late, but here’s a drawing in wallpaper format in celebration of the Ubuntu 10.04 release and the new visual identity that made its first real appearance with it.

Full size 2560 x 1600 pixels

It all makes perfect sense, I swear:
Mark Shuttleworth is the founder of Ubuntu/Canonical. Additional software packages for Ubuntu are organized in Universe and Multiverse. The packagers are called Masters of the Universe (MOTU), referencing an 80ies toy line / animated series, with a hero known as He-Man. So this led to the idea of He-Mark.

The UDS-M video interview might be the best reference, if you can’t compare with the real Mark.

He-Man rides on Battlecat, a beast resembling a tiger. The mascot for 10.04 is a Lynx, so my version of Battlecat had to have characteristic ears, a short tail and dots. Battlecat’s helmet has a beak … as have penguins, so I had a color scheme for the armor. Aubergine is the new color for Canonical and the business-oriented aspects of Ubuntu.

The 9.10 release still had the brown (and orange) look and a Koala as mascot. The arch-enemy of He-Man is Skeletor. Ever had a look at the skeleton of a Koala? Well, I borrowed elsewhere. Darth Koala was born.

The small fellows represent the community, of course.

Made with MyPaint and GIMP. Note to self: watch out for anti-aliasing issues with too thin lines right from start.

About thorwil
I'm a designer from Germany. My main interests are visual and interaction design, free/open-source software and (electronic) music.

3 Responses to He-Mark

  1. Don’t forget that Smurfs are a Belgian creation, and UDS Maverick was just held last week in Brussels 😉


  2. Sebastian says:

    Wow, that looks even more gay than the original He-Man. I thought that would be impossible.

  3. Martin says:

    If you put it on deviantArt, let me know and I’ll add it to the ubuntu artists featured gallery.